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Top 10 Weight Loss Myths -

Don't Fall Victim to Them

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Weight loss myths are everywhere you look and they can be

detrimental to your health as well as the goals you have set

for yourself.

It is necessary to take the ideas you have about losing

weight and turn them on their side. Put your knowledge to

the test. Don't fall victim to information that is hazardous to

your health.

The sad truth is that Americans are getting heavier all of the

time. This is as true of adults as it is of the youth of today.

As well, those who are already heavy are getting even


According to a CDC National Health and Nutrition

Examination Survey, the number of obese adults has

doubled in the past 30 years. It has gone from 15 percent in

the late 1970s to an estimated 31 percent today. This is


How many Americans can be defined as being overweight or


Approximately 64 percent of Americans weigh far too much.

This works out to be 129.6 million people. According to the

2001 Surgeon General's Call to Action on Prevent and

Decrease Overweight and Obesity, the direct and indirect

costs of obesity to society at large, which takes into account

lost productivity at work and medical costs was estimated at

a national level to be $117 billion in the year 2000.

What can you do? Read on for the weight loss myths that

can sabotage your efforts.

1. Cutting down tremendously on calories

means that the pounds will drop off quicker.

This is not the case! If you consume too few calories you will

actually send your body into a tailspin that can contribute to

weight gain as opposed to weight loss. You will end up in a

mode of starvation.

If a message is sent to your brain that you do not have

enough to eat and are starving, this will cause your

metabolism to slow down a great deal. This does not

facilitate weight loss at all.

According to weight loss experts, diets that are as low as

800 to 1,000 calories per day are dangerous, unhealthy and

will lead to weight loss failure. If your body thinks it is

suffering from a famine, then it immediately kicks into gear

to protect you and will not make it easy to get rid of excess


If you starve yourself then you can experience plenty of

unfavorable side effects such as lightheadedness, nausea

and problems concentrating. As well, eventually you will

have to give your body what it needs and it is likely that you

will end up overeating to compensate for starving it before.

Don't do this to yourself!

2. Being strict and depriving myself of foods is


If you choose a strict diet that severely limits the foods you

eat, such as eliminating one or more food groups or mainly

eating only one or two foods, this will bore you and you will

lose interest in the diet before too long. The body likes

variety and so do your taste buds. This is also unhealthy as

your body needs a number of different vitamins, minerals

and nutrients and it can only get these from a variety of

food choices.

Don't limit yourself to the point of ridiculousness. This is not

an effective means of losing weight and it will not work.

Allow yourself to have dessert occasionally if it is what you

desire. Just make sure you have a small piece of pie or cake

or one scoop of ice cream, not two. Deprivation will get you


3. Say goodbye to all foods that are not deemed

as healthy.

This myth is an extension of number two. If you stop eating

EVERY unhealthy food that you enjoy, you will be able to

shed pounds easier and quicker. This is untrue. You will still

remain motivated and on track if you allow yourself to eat

an unhealthy favorite food once in awhile.

Moderation is the key to losing weight and to keeping it off

in the long term. If you enjoy pizza or a burger from

McDonald's then partake of these pleasures now and again

and don't allow yourself to feel guilty. You are less likely to

fall off the horse so to speak or to binge if you give yourself

permission to enjoy “fun foods” when the mood strikes.

4. Eating foods late at night is more likely to

pack on the pounds.

This is a common myth that is believed by many. The truth

is that if you consume more calories on a daily basis then

your body requires, the excess will be stored as fat. The

opposite is also the case -- if you take in fewer calories than

you burn then you will shed pounds. For this reason, the

time of day you eat does not really matter so much as how

much you eat and how much you burn off through physical


According to health experts, you should never go to bed

hungry, as this will prevent you from having a sound sleep.

You are fasting while you sleep after all. That is what

breakfast the following morning- break the fast- is all about.

Eating something small and light, such as a few crackers and

some cheese can actually contribute to a more restful night's


5. Eating between meals is a dieting no-no.

It is healthier to eat six or seven small meals and/or snacks

throughout the course of a day than to eat three meals and

nothing else. If you choose a small healthy snack between

meals it can actually do you good. The snack will contribute

to strong metabolism and it will keep your blood sugar at a

stable level. Snacking between meals in a healthy manner

also acts as a way to discourage you from overeating at your

next meal.

To feel fuller for a lengthier span of time, choose fiber-rich

foods such as bran muffins, oatmeal, whole-wheat toast,

mixed raw vegetables and sourdough pretzels. If you are not

getting enough fat in your diet this can mean your energy

levels will be low. To pump it up higher, snack on nuts such

as almonds which are an excellent source of protein.

Another healthy snack idea is to combine two snacks

together. For example, smear some peanut butter on an

apple. Keep in mind that the skin of the apple contains the

largest percentage of fiber. Graham crackers and yogurt

make for a very healthy snack as well.

Speaking of yogurt, this is a good dairy choice for those who

are not so crazy about drinking milk. Yogurt will make you

feel full and energized. Look for a brand that contains

probiotics such as L. acidophilus which is a live bacterial

culture that is instrumental in the maintenance of a healthy

digestive tract.

6. All fat is bad for my health and for my weight

loss efforts.

Fat gets a bad rap and it is bad- up to a certain point. Fat is

also good and necessary for the human body. Everyone

needs fat in his or her daily diet.

There are certain fats that are good for the body such as

monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. The former is

a healthy fat that provides protection against such things as

heart disease and a variety of cancers. Monounsaturated fat

is found in such things as olive oil, avocadoes, nuts, olives,

nut butters and canola oil. Olive oil is also instrumental in

lowering cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fat is necessary for the

growth of body cells and it also provides the fatty acids that

are needed for the health of the skin.

Another much talked about healthy fat is omega-3 fatty

acids, which are found in shellfish and other types of fish.

There are three types of omega-3 fats and the body requires

them all. These include ALA, DHA and EPA.

In particular DHA and EPA are very important for the healthy

functioning of the heart. They reduce inflammation in the

arteries; help to lower blood pressure by a small amount;

decrease the level of triglycerides in the blood; play a role in

keeping the walls of the arteries as relaxed as possible; and

help to make the composition of the blood less sticky,

thereby reducing the chance that a blood clot could take


Other potential benefits of consuming an adequate supply of

omega-3 fats:

-May decrease the risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer and

colon cancer

-Can be useful in the treatment of Crohn's disease,

ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis

-Preliminary research studies point to the role this healthy

fat plays in treating depression.

To increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids include more

fish in your diet, as well as ground flaxseed and walnuts.

One healthy way to add more fat into your diet without

packing on pounds is to add a selection of nuts to your

salads and to sprinkle ground flaxseed on your yogurt. It is

also wise to sauté vegetables in olive oil as opposed to

vegetable oil.

7. Skipping meals, especially breakfast, will

help me in my fight to drop pounds.

Skipping meals can actually contribute to packing on more

pounds! This is not want you want at all! When you go

without eating a meal, your level of metabolism drops and

you become very hungry as a result of not eating. When you

eat again you will be inclined to eat too much. You will also

not meet the daily calorie requirement that is essential for

your good health (refer back to myth number one).

Breakfast is the worst meal of the day to skip. Your body

has fasted for many hours and upon rising it needs to be

refueled. Just as a car cannot run without gas, your body

cannot run without necessary fuel. Fuel for the body comes

from the foods we eat.

People who eat a healthy breakfast are less likely to overeat

later in the day. It is easier to lose weight, and to maintain a

healthy weight if you start every day with a healthy


The fuel that we need for our bodies to function properly

comes from glucose. Glucose is a simple form of sugar that

provides the body's primary source of fuel. The brain and

the central nervous system require glucose to do any type of

activity. If you do not give your body the glucose it requires

through the foods you consume then it will be forced to use

stored carbohydrates as an alternative fuel source.

What makes for a healthy breakfast?

To start your day off right, aim for one serving of protein

(which can be found in eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt and

peanut butter), two servings of fruit (which helps to give you

the recommended daily requirement of vitamins and

minerals and helps to prevent constipation) and three

servings of grain.

Oatmeal is a bulk dense food that is excellent for people who

are trying to lose weight. Oatmeal slows down the digestive

process and makes it possible for an individual to feel

satiated for a longer span of time. It is also important that

you get plenty of fiber at breakfast time as fiber helps keep

the digestive process running smoothly.

A nutritious breakfast does not have to be complicated to be

healthy. One suggestion that is simple and nutritious is two

slices of whole grain bread with a tablespoon of peanut

butter and a glass of orange juice. Another excellent meal

for breakfast is a bowl of oatmeal or a high fiber cereal, a

banana and a glass of low fat or skim milk.

8. Dairy products should be taken out of my

diet completely.

Dairy products are a necessary part of every person's diet

and should never be eliminated completely, even if you are

trying to lose weight. Instead of eliminating this important

food group choose low fat and non-fat kinds of dairy

products. This is especially the case for women who require

the calcium that is found in rich supply in dairy products.

Research has now revealed the fact that getting enough

calcium through the foods you eat and the beverages you

consume can actually encourage the shedding of pounds.

Drink up!

9. Willpower is the most important weapon in

the fight to loss weight.

It is a commonly held belief that when it comes to losing

weight and resisting the temptation to eat everything in

sight that it is simply a matter of willpower. While willpower

and a sense of self control, as well as discipline do play a

role in whether or not we are able to loss weight or not,

there are plenty of other factors at work as well.

What we weigh is based on a variety of factors, such as

genetics, the culture we live in, our home and work

environments, our lifestyle choices, our medical history, our

attitude towards food and the condition of our health,

including any health problems we have. If you leave

everything up to your willpower then you are likely to fail at

the weight loss game.

The good news in all of this is that eating a nutritious diet on

a consistent basis and regular exercise can help a person to

overcome the factors that may lean towards the negative

side of the spectrum.

10. The consumption of plenty of water on a

daily basis will help me lose pounds easily and


The human body needs water on a regular basis to survive.

It needs a lot of it to replenish the amount that is lost daily.

However drinking water in and of itself will not lead to fast

and effective weight loss. Approximately 60 percent of a

person's weight is composed of water and muscles are made

up of 75 percent water.

If a person is attempting to lose pounds it is smart to start

drinking more water. If the person then experiences weight

loss the likely reason is because they have stopped drinking

sodas and juices that are high in calories and have instead

started to drink “Mother Nature's healthy cocktail.”

Water is very beneficial to the body in many ways. It should

be the drink you consume more than any other. Water

consumption is excellent for the digestive system and for

chronic fatigue, depression and allergies. Drinking plenty of

water suppresses the appetite and it improves muscle tone.

It also helps the kidneys and bowels to function more

properly. Constipation and diarrhea are less of a problem

when an individual drinks plenty of H2O.

You should aim for six to eight glasses of water per day. You

cannot drink too much water, as water is healthy for you no

matter how you look at it. Contrary to popular belief,

drinking enough water helps to prevent the body from

retaining water.


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